With the current cost of living crunch and increase in inflation, it’s not surprising that for many of us, in fact, 4 in 5, according to a recent Finder survey (83%) (December 2022) have put in place financial goals for 2023.
In reaching those financial goals, a natural first step is to find a way to simplify the number of monthly bills to pay. We’re regularly asked about the concept of Debt Consolidation, and whilst it works for some, there are some important points to consider. Here we’ve prepared an overview of the topic of Debt Consolidation.
What is Debt Consolidation?

During the year, different debts can creep up and paying multiple bills with different repayment terms can become complicated. Debt consolidation can help bring all your existing debts together into one loan, with the goal of offering you greater control of your financial situation.
If you have a home loan, you can use the equity established in your property to roll up all these smaller amounts into one easy-to-manage payment. Sounds simple, but there are a few tricks to getting this right.
How does debt consolidation work?
Debt consolidation is bringing all your existing debts together into one loan, and then paying back this new loan with a single set of repayments over a set term.
Different times of credit facilities you could look to consolidate into your home loan could be:
● Credit cards
● Personal loans
● Car or Equipment Loan
● Study loans, including HECS or STSL
● Trade tool loans
● Tax debts
To help simplify your financial situation, it could be an option to consolidate all these debts into a single loan that could give you more certainty and control. Doing so could mean a lower interest cost and a clear understanding that you’ll be debt free.
Why consolidate your debts?
The key advantages are:
● One single set of recurring repayments that are easier to manage
● A clearer timeline of when you can be debt-free
● Greater control of your budget and cash flow.
What are the disadvantages of debt consolidation?
Whilst seemingly a simplified solution, combining all your debts into your home loan is not always the answer. After all, you will have your house for much longer than you would normally have your car.
Debt consolidation still requires financial discipline and may not be a good idea if you already have difficulty making your repayments.
By leaving your repayments the same and not increasing them in line with the new debt serviceable, you will essentially defer the consolidated amount to the end of the loan and will be paying interest on it over several years.
In these cases, we have strategies to help you save on interest and pay out the consolidated debt faster.
How do we review your situation?
When you are our client, we’ll undertake a comprehensive review of your current outgoings. We look at all the costs. It’s important to remember that when it comes to debt consolidation, interest is one part of it, but if there are costs for the early payout of a personal loan or car loan, you may become unnecessarily penalised.
Where to from here
Feel free to reach out to us for a no-obligation conversation. We’re here to help, and we will be pleased to talk you through the pros and cons of each scenario to help you understand what will be most suitable for your circumstances.

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